The NSW RMS Conditional Registration of Historic Vehicles is designed to allow historic vehicles more than 30 years old) to be registered under conditional registration which provides limited usage of the vehicle and also provides Compulsory Party insurance cover, both at a very reduced cost. The Classic Rally Club is very grateful to the RMS and relevant Minister for the scheme which allows the preservation of historic vehicles for road use without incurring the cost of full registration and insurance. The scheme works very well so long as it is not abused; it is not intended for day to day driving such as driving to work, going shopping, commuting to the railway station or driving the kids to school. The introduction of the 60 day log book trial allows members to enjoy 60 days use of the car for driving sake. The Classic Rally Club will not tolerate any abuse of the scheme by club members.
Types of Conditional Registration available to CRC members

- Historic Vehicle Registration H Plates (HVS)
60 day log book which allows 60 days per year use plus club events This an accord between the RMS and individual car clubs.
An annual signature and club stamp is required to ensure you are a financial member of the CRC RMS Form for HVS 1259 - Classic Vehicle Registration (CVS)
Similar to above, but with modification allowed provided they are certified by and engineer’s report. This is an accord between RMS and the CMC /ACMC An annual club RMS form for CVS 1835. - Rally Registration
For outright rally cars.
Note this is the only way cars with full roll cages can be registered in NSW.
CRC Club Plates Registrar
The CRC Club Plates Registrar signs the RMS paperwork for Conditional Registration, and can also be contacted with questions.
Name: Ron Cooper
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mobile 0403 037 137
Address: 49 Wongawilli Rd Wongawilli NSW 2530
When your renewal with the RMS falls due, they will send you a new Historic Vehicle Declaration form. You MUST have that form signed by the Club Plate Registrar, so allow enough time for this to be done before your registration falls due.
For Historic Vehicle Registration
- Get a pink slip. The preferred option.
- You need to send a copy of the pink slip to the CRC Club Plates Registrar.
- A return stamped address envelope would be appreciated.
- Fill in the Historic Vehicle Declaration and mail to to the Club Plates Registrar. Email copies are not permitted by RMS
- Alternatively you can compete the writeable PDF from the RMS site: this can be emailed to to the Club Plates Registrar but it needs to be posted back
- Club Plates Registrar will complete Section 4.and sign
- Take or send your Conditional Registration renewal and pink slip to RMS or Services NSW for processing.
For Classic Vehicle registration
- Get a pink slip for CMC ONLY
- Fill in Classic Vehicle Declaration and mail to the CRC Club Plates Registrar.
- Complete the CMC Check List (.pdf) and send with CVS
- Provision of stamped address envelope would be appreciated
- Club Registrar will sign and return
- You then must complete transaction with CMC
Don’t forget that all movements of your car, other than those set out in the constitution, must be logged with the Club Plates Registrar or logged in your logbook if your car is on the 60 day scheme to ensure your CTP insurance is be valid. To log in vehicles not on the 60 day scheme contact me on mobile 0403 037 137 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The fee payable to the RMS is as follows (effective 1 July 2016). New conditional registration Administration fee: $22 Number plate fee: $44
Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance: Varies depending on vehicle shape, usage and area of operation. Phone the RMS on 13 22 13 for additional information.
An annual fee of $25 is payable to the Classic Rally Club.
Information regarding Conditional Registration can be found on the RMS Website.
- CRC Rules for Conditional Registration Permits (.pdf document)
- Application Form (.pdf document)
- Historic Vehicle Declaration Form (.pdf document)
- CMC Check List (.pdf document)
- Vehicle log book factsheet (.pdf document)
The following people are qualified to inspect a CRC member's vehicle for Historic Vehicle Plates:
- Tim McGrath
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
02 4285 1438
0419 587 887 - Peter Thompson
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
02 9419 5774 - Rob Panetta
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
02 9498 1173 (H)
02 9939 2069 (W)
0418 963 091 (M)